How to buy
Dear customers,
E-Shop has been created for our loyal corporate customers to enable them to purchase even more comfortable than ever. After your registration, you will receive a full data access.
Customer registration will take place after completing the registration form and sending to our company. Your registration presents any commitments to our company and is free of charge. After registration, the customer will receive an e-mail confirming registration. We ask customers to check all data in the registration form before sending.
Unregistered and registered customers can carry out demand through E-Shop. All features of the E-shop are accessible only after registration. After sending off you request, you will receive a confirming receipt. In the shortest possible time, we will contact you with special offer. In the case that you demanded goods cannot be found in the E-shop or is not
currently in stock, you can use a E-request form. After sending off you request, you will receive a confirming receipt. In the shortest possible time, we will contact you with special offer. Subsequently you will receive, in the shortest possible time, our special offer.
E- Purchase
E-Shop of our company enables full-featured E-purchase to registered customers, establishing our company, at its discretion, decided to assign an access code to view all features of E-Shop. You will be informed about our decision by e-mail upon receipt of your registration in our E-Shop.